Cookiebot, Borlabs & Usercentrics
CMP Consulting

Analysis of your website, recommendations for action, setup & configuration

opt in optimierung

Who needs a consent management platform for their website?

Are marketing, third-party or tracking cookies collected, processed and analyzed on your website?

YES? No problem! The Cookiebox team has the solution.


When opening your website for the first time, you should obtain the user’s consent regarding the use of cookies. Please note that the scope, use and transfer of data must be listed in as much detail as possible. If the scenario listed at the beginning occurs, there is a so-called cookie banner obligation.


Exception: According to experts and lawyers, there is no mandatory consent for technically necessary cookies. Due to the fact that no data is collected and no consent is required, no cookie banner is legally necessary.

With the help of a Consent Management Platform (CMP), the consent of your website visitors can be collected, processed and forwarded in a GDPR-compliant manner. By means of this, you can link your marketing and data strategy together with the legal requirements and at the same time be compliant with the currently applicable legal requirements (GDPR, CCPA, TTDSG).


The cookie banner deployment tool: Through such software, the seamless integration of a cookie banner into the website can be included and the user consents (opt-ins) can be managed.

The elementary components include the message text, buttons and links.

At the beginning, a short text should inform about the function of the banner, what happens when the different buttons are clicked.

At least the following buttons should be present:

Accept – herewith one agrees with all website cookies and scripts.

Decline – after clicking the Decline button, only necessary cookies are set.

Preferences – behind this button there is more detailed information as well as the possibility of granular consent.

Within the banner, it is essential to include a link to the privacy policy as well as the website’s imprint. Both of these pages and their content must be accessible without being blocked by the consent banner and without cookies being played.

The CMP Consulting of the Cookiebox

The Consent Management Platform (CMP) should not only be visually flawless, but also comply with data protection laws – we can help you with this!

As an implementation partner, we can supervise the entire process and thus lead you to a top result.

Scan & analyze your website and the services you use

With the help of our programmed scanner, we manage to make every service, no matter how inconspicuous, visible by means of a website deep dive.

Recommendations for your consent management

Thanks to our many years of experience in data protection, we can also provide you with specific recommendations and tips.

Advice and recommendations on the various content tools

Our experts will be happy to advise you (taking into account your individual requirements/circumstances, of course) on a suitable content tool and make recommendations based on many years of experience.

Configuration, design and customization of your CMP

Creation of your roadmap: Together with the experts, all necessary steps are discussed and planned in detail. Depending on the tool, there is also the option of banner individualization (custom fit) in addition to the standard version.

The requirements of a cookie banner tool

Especially with such a sensitive topic as data protection, the expertise and flexibility of the Consent Management Platforms (CMP) should be relied upon.

The following requirements for such a CMP can be derived from the guidance as well as the ECJ court ruling:

  • Clear presentation of all data processing activities and their recipients
  • Classification into the established data protection cookie categories (essential, functional, analysis, marketing)
  • Option to select/deselect individual categories
  • No pre-selection of checkboxes
  • The tool can be used to block all cookies from being played until the user has given his or her active consent.

Other questions arising in this context are:

  1. Storage of the user client: Is it only stored locally at the user or also in a database?
  2. How can a user revoke the consent given or check and change the status of his consent at any time?
  3. Scope of information: Is the purpose and the cookie lifetime described?

Choosing the Consent Tool: Which one is right for you?

Before making the final choice on a Consent Management Platform (CMP), it is urgent to discuss all suitable solutions in detail and to make the final decision according to your existing requirements.

In addition to our premium partnership with USERCENTRICS, we also offer two other vendors, which are among the TOP-5 tools, as a proposed solution for a Consent Tool.


The Cookiebot CMP is a plug-and-play solution for data protection compliance and is based on scanning technology (cookies thus do not have to be deposited manually). 

By means of the automated cookie scan, it is determined which specific cookies are located within the website and recorded in writing through reporting. This tool can also be used independently of the CMS or store system.


Borlabs Cookie

Borlabs Cookie is an easy to use WordPress special cookie plugin, which is compatible with all WordPress caching plugins.

Plus point: Borlabs can be used with any WordPress theme (Avada, Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, Pro, The7, WPBakery Visual Composer).



Usercentrics is an enterprise CMP solution and is used on over 900,000 websites in 180 countries. Together with Usercentrics, we have made it our mission to find a powerful solution with professional design that creates transparency and DSGVO compliance!

Plus point: Usercentrics can be used for all CMS and store systems and can be individually adapted to your own corporate design.


Any questions?

Then feel free to call us. We will help you with questions about our product and features or generally about all data protection topics:


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